Merry Christmas 2019 - a look back at the founding year

What a year! When we started turning our ideas for a software solution for the digital player file into program code in mid-2018, we didn't have any big goals or expectations. We just wanted a digital helper that combined everything we needed as coaches. Admittedly, back then it didn't have the many features that proSports.Zone offers today.

But the project of a digital player file very quickly developed a dynamic. New functions and logical extensions were constantly being added thanks to the input of other coaches and scouts from soccer and handball.

Today, at the end of 2019, proSports.Zone is a professional and comprehensive solution for clubs in competitive sports that want to specifically train young athletes and guide them into the competitive arena and for professional and semi-professional teams that want to assert themselves in the competitive arena.

We also founded a company - no, OUR company - in 2019. SportsZone GmbH has been officially up and running since the end of August. For a team that only works remotely, this is not a quick and easy path, but we have also successfully managed this together.

We are very fortunate that from the first version that we presented in the beta phase, we met with a lot of interest, received a lot of feedback and a lot of great input. We obviously hit a nerve! As a result, we were able to acquire the first customers and partners to use proSports.Zone right from the start.

Looking back, it has been 18 intensive, exhausting but also very exciting months so far. And we think that we will continue together for many years to come.

We wish all our friends and partners a wonderful Christmas with all their loved ones and a good start to the New Year!

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